Monday to Friday
Address Bridge of Don Dental Practice Balgownie Centre, Balgownie Road, Bridge of Don, AB23 8JP

The soft palate is the muscular part at the back of the roof of the mouth. It sits behind the hard palate, which is the bony part of the roof of the mouth. The palates play important roles in swallowing, breathing, and speech.


Braces are a type of orthodontic treatment that orthodontists use to help correct overcrowded or crooked teeth. Braces can also help correct an overbite. People who are getting braces soon or are considering them may wonder whether they hurt.

We are a friendly team of dentists, hygienists and receptionists who work together to ensure that you receive the best treatment you require.

Working Hours

NOTE: We are accepting New Private & NHS Patients

For out of Hours Medical Emergency Call 111